
Blonde Curly Piggies with Violet Blue eyes, Peach Lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Flower dress with original blue lacy socks and white T-bars.
This is the doll that started it all. My mother bought Lindsey for me when I was 4 years old. When I was little I could stare at her for hours!!
Tag: 1966R2
Arrived: Late 1985
Holly Brooke
Brunette Straight Ponies with Green Eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Purple Party dress with original purple socks and white t-bars.
Holly was one of my first MC dollies. She was a very lucky find! I purchased her for $18 in minty and All Original condition.
She's a very sweet girl and I don't think I could ever part with her.
Tag: 1916R2
Arrived: 06-15-04


Amanda Karise
Original Pink Stripped Pinny dress with tbars, socks and ribbons.
Another very lucky win on eBay. I saw her listed with a BIN of $50 and decided to purchase her. I thought she was an AA at first, but after the seller sent me more pictures I was convinced!!
She came
completely dressed and minty! She's wearing my baby necklace.
Tag: 2036R2
Arrived: 11-08-04
Adrian Luke
US Hispanic
Original Yellow vest outfit with white oxfords and socks.
A super lucky find on eBay. I saw him listed with a BIN of $15 and my heart stopped until I completed the purchase. He's amazingly minty and lovable!!
Tag: 1926R2
Arrived: 07-02-05


Alayna Rose
'88 US Blonde Curly Piggies with Brown eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow. .
Original Pink Stripped Seersucker Overalls with white Oxfords and socks.
This dolly was a complete surprise! I bought her along with another doll because she looked really minty but to my amazement I had found my first 1988 doll!!
She came all original with her hair intact. She still has her original hairties and ribbons. I decided not to redo her hair as she looks lovely just as she is, like a just removed form box doll so I got her a box!!
Tag: 1718HR
Arrived: 02-14-06
Elliot Jaden
Redhead Straight Mid-Part boy with Aqua Blue eyes, Pink Lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Bunny Jogging Outfit with socks and oxfords.
This little guy I got from a fellow collector. I had seen him on her website and always told myself that I wanted one just like him. I never though I would be able to get HIM!!
He's so minty and has such a sweet face! I was planning to dress him in the sailor suit but this outfit looks adorable on him!!
Tag: 1496R2
Arrived: 04-11-06


Shayleen Gia
Redhead Curly Piggies with with Green eyes, Pink Lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Purple Duckie Dress with white lacy socks and purple tbars.
A dream dolly! I had been looking for a perfect US redhead piggies for a very very long time and here she is!!!
She arrived in all-original mint condition with her hair in original hairties and never played with before. She trully is a wondeful dolly!
Tag: 1366R2
Arrived: 08-22-06
Arrived: 08-25-06


Blonde Curly Haired Boy with Green eyes, Pink Lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original diaper.
I had wanted a blonde boy with green eyes for a very long time but couldn't find one that I really liked.
I finally got the perfect one! He's in very mint never-played conditiona and totally adorable!! The outfit is also original to him, it was sold by the original owner separate.
Tag: 1366R2
Arrived: 02-26-07
Brunette Straight Haired Boy with Aqua Blue eyes, Pink Lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Red Sailor outfit with socks and white oxfords.
Tag: ?
Arrived: 02-27-07


No Name Pic coming soon
Brunette puppy tail girl with Brown eyes, Pink Lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Arrived: 05-30-07
No Name pic coming soon!
Tag: ?
Arrived: 05-14-07


No Name pic coming soon!
Tag: ?
Arrived: 07-14-07
No Name pic coming soon!

Copyright (c) 2004 v_vazquez. All rights reserved.