
Italian Ashblonde Ultra Long with Aqua Blue Eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Purple Stripped Pinny Dress
with MC white t-bars, socks and ribbons.
such a wonderful feeling to receive a NRFB doll! She arrived on
Valentine's Day as the most perfect gift (from myself). I opened her box to fix
her up a little and add her pocket bear (only US dolls came with them) but she has never been removed from the back carton.
She is
worth every single penny!!!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 02-14-05
Damali Alyssa
German Ashblonde Ultra Long
with Violet Blue Eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Stripped Pinny Dress with original socks and Tbars.
cutie I won on German Ebay! She's in amazingly good condition, her clothes had never been removed!! Fortunately her part was untouched, so all she needed was her hair washed an styled. Her hair is sooo soft... Oh! I love her!!
Tag: 0217HR
Arrived: 03-25-05


Hillary Faye
British Blonde Ultra Long Blonde with Violet Blue Eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Flowered Pinny dress with original socks, white T-bars and hair ribbons.
This doll was so hard to find in this condition. It took me almost 2 years to find her but she's worth the wait!! She is in absolute mint condition, her outfit had never been removed and her hair had never been brushed or taken out of her elastics.
Tag: 1487HR
Arrived: 08-19-05
Natasha Joanne
Italian Ashblonde Ringlet ponnies with Violet Blue eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Yellow Duckie dress, white Oxfords, lacy socks and original ribbons.
Such a special little girl!! She came from my great friend Jo in Australia. I had to give her the name of her previous mommy. She's all original and sooo minty, previously NRFB!! She looks adorable with her little teddy.
Tag: 0557HR
Arrived: 09-30-05


Avelaine Marie
French Ultra Long Blonde with Aqua Blue Eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Yellow Sailor dress, white Oxfords and socks.
My 2005 birthday gift for myself! I waited and waited for two months for this girl to arrive but oooh was it worth it!! She is in super mint condition with original part and outfit! Such a precious dollie from France!
Tag: 05T7HR
Arrived: 10-24-05
Aislynn Davina
British Redhead Ultra Long with Green Eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Pink Party Dress with MC white
T-bars, pink lacy socks and ribbons.
I waited so long for an U/L redhead. I never thought I could actually find one as perfectly mint as this one. She had never been played with at all. Her hair had all it's original ties, her outfit had never been removed... well she is just like a NRFB doll so I placed her in a box!!
Tag: 1297HR
Arrived: 11-06-05


Ashley Elise
Italian Ashblonde Crimp with Aqua Blue Eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Aussie Red Checked School dress with red t-bars, white tights and ribbons.
This dolly I decided to get because she looked really minty and she had the Aussie Yellow romper with 1 original barret, I already had the other one to complete the set! To my delight she was all original with hair in original hairties!
She is a VHTF European Ribbons and Bows girl. I purchased her from her Italian original owner. I think the school dress looks great on her. I love to style the crimps hair like this, just like they came in the box!!
Tag: 0178HR
Arrived: 03-15-06
**Featured in Doll and Bear News magazine- Fall edition*
Tiffany Jadyn
Italian Ashblonde V-Part with Violet Blue eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Pink Stripped Seersucker, white oxfords, socks and ribbons.
Previously NRFB! This little darling is all original and just as she came in the box with her ribbons, hairties and complete outfit!
Tag: 0547HR
Arrived: 04-03-06


Kelly Jillian
Italian Ashblonde Ringlet Ponies with Brown eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Pink Stripped Seersucker, white oxfords, ribbons and socks.
This dolly I loved since her previews owner bought her! She was taken out of her box by her previous owner and was wearing another outfit for a while after I bought her. I decided to place her back in a box wearing her original outfit. Her hair has never been undone and she's super minty!! Gorgeous face!
Tag: 0067HR
Arrived: 04-11-06
Minna Kim
Dutch Ultra Long Blonde with Violet Blue eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Stripped SeerSucker, original ribbons, and oxfords.
I couldn't resist to buy this doll. She has never been played with so she's super minty with her original hairties and diaper.
Such a cutie!!
Tag: 0547HR
Arrived: 04-13-06


April Irene
British Redhead Double Ribbons with Violet Blue eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original White Sailor dress, white oxfords, socks and original ribbons.
I saw this doll and I just had to have her! Another one that had never been played with or undressed. Her hair was still in the original hairties and ribbons! Such a wonderful face!
I love everything about this dolly! She's a dream doll, I never thought I would be so lucky to get a dolly like her!
Tag: 8646HR
Arrived: 08-03-06
Abina Sabin
Italian Ultra Long Ashblonde with Aqua Blue eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Party dress (short lace), blue lace socks, white tbars and original ribbons.
Another NRFB doll I just couldn't say "no" to! I've always thought that Euro dolls are the best and what better than a boxed one!?!? So pretty and girly!
Tag: not known
Arrived: 09-14-06


Kelsee Dawn
British Ultra Long Blonde with Aqua Blue eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Aqua Romper with pink shirt, Original HTF Pink stripped Oxfords and multi-color stripped socks with lace.
I love this doll! I bought her in a lot with the MIB shoes and outfit. I knew she was mint but it still was a big surprise! She even has her original hairties! She's so perfect and beautiful!
Tag: 0367HR
Arrived: 11-06-06
Genivee Isole
German Ash Blonde V-Part with Green eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original White Sailor dress, white oxfords, socks and original ribbons.
My bargain MIB German girl was an amazing purchase at just $94 (incl shipping)!! I couldn't believe my luck!! She is absolutely perfect, never played with and probably just taken out of the box one or two times. She has her Bragbook and brush, I love the boxes in different languages and this one got me closer to my dream of having one of each!!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 01-04-07


Adelie Lucille
French Ultra Long Ash Blonde with Brown eyes, Peach lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Yellow Stripped Seersucker, white oxfords, socks and ribbons.
Another perfectly mint doll from France! She had never been undressed, and she has her original top hairties!! The only thing I had to do was brush her hair a little, no restoration required!! PERFECT!
Tag: 0047HR
Arrived: 01-13-07
Beverly Rose
British Brunette Vpart with Violet Blue eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Pinny dress, white lacy socks and white t-bars.
As soon as I saw this beauty listed I knew she had to be mine! I love her little face and her beautiful hair!
She's so minty, never played with or undressed! Her hair is fabulous and still has 2 of her original hairties. She's such a minty doll all over!
Tag: 3446R2
Arrived: 03-16-07


Aleena Paola
French Brunette Double Ribbons with Aqua Blue Eyes, Peach lips
and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Party dress (long lace), blue lace socks, white tbars and original ribbons.
This little one I bought wearing a pink flare dress with the intentions of selling the doll and keeping the dress. I couldn't believe how minty she was when I opened the package! She has her original hairpart, original diaper and perfectly mint skin! No way I can sell her now, her eyes are so big and bright! ok I know all MCs have same sized eyes but you know what I mean lol!
Tag: no tag
Arrived: 04-14-07
Trisha Lauren
Italian Ultra Long Ashblonde with Green eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Pink Pinny dress with original book, white lacy socks and Tbars.
Lucky, lucky me! This dolly was annouced for sale by a fellow collector and I was very fortunate to email about her first!
She's so lovely and girly in her pink dress!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 04-17-07


Sophia Arabella
Italian Ash Blonde SidePart Ringlet with Brown eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Black and White School dress with red tights, white Tbars, and original barrettes.
A dream doll! The European Ribbons and Bows edition of these dolls are very hard to find and although I have a very mint crimp (Ashley), I've always wanted a NRFB one! When this dolly came up for sale I had to have her and sure paid a big amount to get her. She's lovely and perfect!!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 04-19-07
No Name - Picture coming soon
Brunette Ringlet Ponies with Aqua Blue eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Blue Stripped Seersucker overalls with white tbars and socks.
I wanted this box for a very long time and I was surprised at the price I got it for. I was planning on selling the doll as I have another brunette ringlet ponies which adore and she was described as MIB with a sold-separately outfit so I really didn't know in what condition she was going to be.
I was so excited to see that she was all perfect and new! She really looks like a NRFB doll; a fellow collector remembered the doll and her original outfit so I dressed her on what she originally wore.. She's so pretty and I love her curls!!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 04-20-07


Janisse Leah
Dutch Blonde Double Ribbons with Aqua Blue eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Original Pink Stripped Seersucker, white tbars, socks and ribbons.
This is my first blonde double ribbons that has never been played with. I've had a few blonde DR during my years of collecting but I always ended up selling them for different reasons. Now I've found my perfect one!! She has a great sweet face that I just adore! Her hair is all original and never undone and she looks like she's never been undressed. PERFECT!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 04-22-07
Jessica Hedwig
German Ultra Long Blonde with Green eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Red Sleeper with bear.
I purchased Damali from the same seller who sold this beauty a little over two years ago on ebay and I was quite sad because I didn't win both auctions! I was offered a trade from another collector and I finally was able to own this beauty!! She was well worth the wait! She's all original with never removed original hairties and outfit, one perfect little darling!
Tag: 0727HR
Arrived: 05-30-07


Stephanie Fiona
Italian Ash Blonde Ringlet Ponies with Green eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Original Yellow Party dress with original yellow socks, ribbons and white t-bars.
This girl was on ebay more than once and I waited for the right moment to buy her. She is more that great! She's all original with perfect hair and a face to die for!!
Thanks to my friend Danielle I was able to bring her home! She's truly a great doll!
Tag: unknown
Arrived: 06-15-07




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