
Davanee Breeanna
Strawberry Blonde Side-Part Ringlet with Brown eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Pink Aussie Romper Pinny with Original Barretts, light pink t-bars and VHTF original socks with pink lace.
She's a dreamdoll!!! Absolutely stunning from head to toe. She's in such wonderful condition... and the hair!! Her hair has no frizziness, it's soft and wonderful!
Tag: 2108HR
Arrived: 03-18-05
**Featured in Doll and Bear News magazine- Fall edition**

Allie Lindsay
Strawberry Blonde Mid-Part Ringlet with Green eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Yellow Aussie Romper with Apron, Original Barettes, yellow t-bars and socks.
I always said that one Strawberry blonde was enough for me but when I saw Allie listed on ebay, I couldn't resist. She came with her original romper and I was lucky to find an apron. She's wearing a pair of HTF original barettes!! Her hair is wonderful and her part is intact.
Tag: 2188HR
Arrived: 03-22-05


Millie Julianna
Redhead Ringlet Ponies with Green Eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow
Wearing: Original Yellow Party dress with original yellow socks, ribbons and white t-bars.
I admired this girl for a very long time and when she came up for sale her previous mommy worked with me so I could get her. She's so perfect and mint. Just look into those green eyes!!
Tag: 3446R2
Arrived: 04-26-05
Jenna Paige
Redhead Side-Part Ringlet with Violet Blue eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Purple Party dress with white t-bars, original purple lace socks and custom made barrette.
This cutie is an OOAK redhead side part. She used to be an ashblonde but Kathy rerooted her with beautiful red hair specially selected for the MCs. It took a lot of courage to cut her original hair (although it was cut short) because this cutie has such a gorgeous face she looks stunning no matter what.
Tag: 1108HR
Arrived: 09-06-04


Kathryn Larissa
Ashblonde V-Part with Violet Blue Eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Blue Ducky Dress with MC white oxfords, lacy socks and ribbons.
I adore this little girl!!! She's very precious to me because she also came from my dear friend Jo in Australia. She has such a sweet face and her hair is incredible!!!
Tag: 0557HR
Arrived: 10-07-05
Madison Grace
Brunette Crimp with Brown Eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Aussie ABC dress with red t-bars, socks, Original HTF barrettes, and ribbons.
This precious dolly came in a lot of 2 from Australia. I was surprised at her great condition considering the pictures in the auction. She's a dream combo!
Tag: 1008HR
Arrived: 04-23-06

Evelyn Darla
Brunette Crimp with Green eyes, Pink lips and Peach eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Aussie Flare dress with yellow t-bars and VHTF original socks with yellow lace.
Originally I bought this doll for the outfit with the intention of selling the doll. I had been looking so long for a great pink flare and I had to have the one on her! She arrived as a never played with doll, even wearing her diaper and original hairties. I loved her the second I opened the box and now I can't let her go. She has such a great face and soooo mint!
Tag: 3208HR
Arrived: 05-22-06
Joyleen Crystal
Strawberry Blonde Ultra Long with Violet Blue eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Aussie Pink Flare dress with lacy socks, white t-bars and replica barrettes
My ULTIMATE Dream Doll! I cannot believe I've been so lucky in getting this doll! I won her on ebay and her picture really didn't do her justice. She's a very mint doll with no pilling and gorgeous frizz free hair, original hairpart and a dream combo!
I really couldn't ask for a more perfect doll!
Tag: no tag
Arrived: 07-30-07


No Name
Ash Blonde Double Ribbons with Green eyes, Pink lips and Grey eyeshadow.
Wearing: Original Pastel Seersucker shirt with socks and ribbons
Arrived: 08-16-07
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